Navoday Shaikshanik Sanstha Dhule’s
Uttamrao Patil Arts and Science College
Near Surat Nagpur Highway, Dahivel,Tal-Sakri, Dhule, Maharashtra – 424304
Navoday Shaikshanik Sanstha Dhule’s
Near Surat Nagpur Highway, Dahivel,Tal-Sakri, Dhule, Maharashtra – 424304
NAAC Accredited “B” Grade (Cycle I)
Affiliated with KBCNM University, Jalgaon
About Department:
Department of Sociology was established in the year 1996 at General level,and in 1998 at Special level(B.A.).At present Associate Prof. Dr. Sunil Ajabrao Patil is working as a faculty for U.G. classes. Strength of the student in the department is increasing day by day. At present 138 students are taking their education during academic year 2022-23. Department guided the students appearing in competitive Examinations. Department also organized various guest lecture’s for UG students. Faculty of the Department worked as Paper Setter, Moderators, Examiner, Subject Expert, Sr. Supervisor,Jr. Supervisor Delivered lectures in various colleges and Places on various Subjects.
Population Day, World Tribal day is celebrated in every year with Essay Writing, Elocution and Poster Making competitions, lectures, Educational Tour is organised for the students of the Department.
No | Programme | Duration | Eligibility | Intake Capacity |
1 | B.A. Sociology | 03 Years | H.S.C. Arts | 120 |
Dr. Sunul Ajabrao Patil
M.A.,B.Ed. M.Phil,Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Experience: 24 Years
Sr. No. | Name of Research Guide | Names of Registered/Awarded Students | Topic | Current status |
1 | Dr. Sunil Ajabrao Patil | 1. Valvi Shamsing Ramsing | ‘नंदुरबार जिल्ह्यातील भिल्ल जमातीतील स्त्रियांच्या सामाजिक व आर्थिक परिवर्तनाचा समाजशास्त्रीय अभ्यास’ |
2 |
| 2. Mrs. VyasRohini Ramesh | ‘धुळे व नंदुरबार जिल्ह्यातील अनुसूचित जमातीतील आशा कार्यकर्त्यांचा समाजशास्त्रीय अभ्यास’ |
3 |
| 3.Mr.Gavit Haridas Jaku | ‘नंदुरबार जिल्ह्यातील भिल्ल जमातीतील विवाहाचे बदलते स्वरूप एक समाजशास्त्रीय अध्ययन’ | On going
4 |
| 4.Mr. Chaure Sandip Vasant | ‘धुळे व नंदुरबार जिल्ह्यातील कोकणी आदिवासी समाजाच्या कथकरी परंपरा व थाळगान लोककथांचा समाजशास्त्रीय अभ्यास’ | On going
Sr. No. | Title of the Book | Year of Publication |
ISBN no. |
1 | “समाजशास्त्र- संकल्पना,संशोधन व सिद्धांत’ | ऑक्टोबर 2020 | 978-93-87098-61-9 |
2 | “भारतीय समाज:संरचना आणि परिवर्तन’ | ऑगस्ट 2020 | 978-93-87098-53-4 |
Sr. no. | Title of the paper | Name of the Journal | Month and Year of Publication | ISSN no. | Impact Factor | UGC CARE List no. | Level National/International |
1 | Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya Yanche Vichar | Atharva Publication | 21-09-2013 | — | — | — | National |
2 | Human Resources & Ethical Formation Of Society | Atharva Publication | 01-02-2014 | 978-93-84093-56-3 |
| National – |
3 | Discourse Of Indian Sociological Thinkers: A Critical Review] | Aruna Prakashan, Latur | 19-09-2014 |
| National |
4 | Paper – [Bachat Gut Mahila Sakshamikarnache Ek Sadhan:Sandharbha Dhule Jilha | Jyotichandra Publication | 14-10-2014 |
| International |
5 | Mahilanchya Aarthik Sakshmikarnat Bachat Gatanche Yogdan : Sandarbha Dhule Zila. | Atharva Publication, | 01-01-2015 | 2231-0096 |
| National |
6 | Stribhrunhatya va Striyanvaril Atyachar-Ek Vastav] | Prashant Publication | 14-03-2015 | :978-93-85021-90-9 |
| National |
7 | Bhartiya Samajatil Sawyamsevi Santhnche Karyekshetra Ani Vikasatil Bhumika. From 23 To 27 | Sanshodhan Samiksha | 20-07-2015 |
| International |
8 | Jagtikikarnachya Prabhavatil Bhartiy Striyancha Darja] | Apaurva Publishing House, | 04-10-2015 | 978-81-925804-6-3 |
| National |
9 | Indian Festivals and Their Social Importance] | Atharva Publications | 08-10-2015 | 13:978-93-85026-54-6 |
| National |
10 | Pandit Nehrunchya Smajvadi Drushtikonatun Rashtravadachi Mandani va Sadhayshitit Aavashykta. From 186 To 189 | Prashant Publication | 15-10-2016 | 978-93-85021-67-1 |
| National – |
11 | Khajgikaran,Udarikaran va Jagtikikarnacha(LPG) Gramin Samaja var Padlelya Prabhav acha Samajshatriya Abhyas] | AJANTA Publication | 21-01-2017 | ISSN2277-5730 | 3.378 |
| Internationa |
12 | Khandeshatil Aadivasinche Mahatvache Son va Utsav- Vishesh Aabhyas -Dongrya dev ani Holi
| Atharva Publications, | 03-02-2017] |
| National – |
13 | Samtavadi, manavtavadi yug pravartak Gadge Babanchya Vicharanchi Prasagikta | Printing Area | 24-09-2017 | 2394 5303 | 4.002 |
| International |
14 | Manvi Adhikar ani Samkalin Aavhane | Atharva Publication | 15-09-2017] | ISSN-2347-9639 |
| National – |
15 | Krishi kshetratil Sangharsh ani Shetkari Aatmahatya-Ek Samajik Drushtikshept | Journal of Research Cosmos | 20-01-2018] | 2230-9578 | 4.270 |
| International |
16 | Aadivasi Chalvali: ek Samajik Drushtikonatun Abhyas UGC Approved Sr No 64310 Issue-I Vol.II | Shaurya Publication Latur | 10-02-2018] | 2319-8648 | 2.143 |
| International |
17 | Mahila Sakshmikarnat Kaydyachi Bhumika-ek Abhyas]
| Research Journey | 14-02-2019] | 2348-7143 | 6.261 |
| International |
18 | Visthapan ani Punarvasan Ek Samajik Samasya] | Prashant Publication | 25-02-2019 | 978-93-88769-40-2 |
| National – |
19 | Book Chapter – Bharatatil Strivadi Chalvalicha Smajshastriya Abhyas | Atharva Publication | 10-08-2019 | 13:978-93-88544-74-0 |
| National |
20 | Smajshastratil Anvyatmak v Gunatmak Sanshodhan Paddhati . | Journal of Research and Development | January 2020 |
| 4.270 |
| International |
21 | Present and Future Effectsof Lockdoen Due to Corona Outbreak’ -A Sociological View] | Journal of Research and Development | 17-05-2020 | ISSN-2230-9578 | 5.13, |
| International |
22 | Article – [The Reality of Corona Virus Infection and its Impact on Indian Society:A Sociological Study | Drishtikon UGC Care Journal | May 2020 | ISSN 0975-119X, Vol-12-Issue-7 |
| Ugc Care | National |
23 | Book Chapter-“स्वसंरक्षण आणि खबरदारी सह जगा” Page- 158-164 | Aatharva Publication | 23 June 2021 | ISBN-978-81-953171-1-0 |
| University |
24 | Article-‘ Mahatma Gandhi’s Riligious and Spiritual Perspective-A glanss Page- 07-10 | Akshar Vangmaya UGC Care Journalal | 12 July 2021 | ISSN 2229-4929 |
| UGC Care list | National |
25 | ‘आदिवासी भिल्ल जमातीतील स्त्री; ऐतिहासिक पार्श्वभूमी व सामाजिक, आर्थिक जीवन’ (Vol-25 No. 01(I) Page No-18-21 | Kala Sarovar | January-March 2022 | ISSN:0975-4520 |
| UGC Care Group-I Journal | National |
26 | Paper-‘प्रसार माध्यमांचा समाजावर पडणारा प्रभाव– एक समाजशास्त्रीय अध्ययन’ Peer Reviewed,,Volume 14, Issue 9, Page -93-96 | Journal of Research and Development | 15 August 2022 | ISSN-2230-9578 | Cosmos Impact Factor-7.26 |
| International |
27 | Samajavar Social Mediyacha Prabhav Va Parinam ( समाजावरसोसीअल मिडीयाचा पडलेला प्रभाव वा परिणाम) UGC Care Listed Page N0- 314-317 | Sanshodhak | 02 December 2022 | ISSN—2394-5990 |
| UGC Care Listed | National |
Sr.No | Name Of Alumni | Year of passing | Home/present adress | Edu. qualification | Present status | Contact email |
1 | Borse Gopal Laxman | 2001 | Talegaon Dist-Nasik | M.A.BE.d | Jr.College Teacher,Talegaon | 9307280466/7057843108 |
2 | Prof .Gavit Haridas Jaku | 2002 | Arts Com, Sci College,Ahmednagar | M.A. NET | Assistant Prof | 9922721516 |
3 | Raut Jyotish Dharma | 2003 |
| Assistance Fild Manager M.I.D.C Mumbai | 8108119350/jyotishraut@gmail.com |
4 | Gaikwad Yuvraj Kalu | 2006 | At-Po- Palghar | B.A. | Constable | 8169421895/yuvrajgaikwad153@gmail.com |
5 | Chaure Arun Namdev | 1999 | Maindane Tal-Sakri | B.A.BE.d | Principal Maidane Highschool | 7875955460 |
6 | Gngurde Bajirao Shantaram | 2009 | Bolthan ,Tal- Nandgaon Dist-Nasik | B.A.BE.d | Teacher, Chhatrpati Shivaji Highschool,Bolthan | 9607102910/9921238462 |
7 | Gavit Vikas Bhimsing | 2012 | Raighgadh |
| Jr.Clerk Tahesil Office, Raigad | 9637520556 |
8 | Chaure Sandip Vasant | 2014 | Karad Dist-Kolhapur | M.A. .NET | Assistance Prof. C.H.B | 8275953825/ chauresandip5@gmail.com |
| Gngurde Pravin Ranilal | 2010 | Siligudi,West Bengal | B.A. | B.S.F Constaible | 9469136163/jyotipravin11@gmail.com |
10 | Gavit Savita Baba | 2007-08 | At- Boriwali, Mumbai |
| Women Sicurity Guard, Bruhan Mumbai Corporation | 9284893922/8691022662/ savita.vasave01@gmail.com |
11 | Sable Kisan Suresh | 2019 | At- Satara | B.A.M.A | Police Dist-Satara | |
12 | Bachhao Mahendra Vedu |
| At-Post-Dahiwel | B.A. | Woner, .Parth Photo Studio | 9922154906/parthdahivel@gmail.com |
13 | Chaudhari Dipak Aadhar |
| At-Post- Dahivel | B.A .M.A. . | Building Material Treders, Dahiwel | 9423917629 |
14 | Bachhao Jagdish Kashinath | 2000 | At-Po- Dahivel | B.A.BE.d | Teacher, Khondamoli,Dist-Nandurbar |
15 | Gavit Savita Baba | 2020 | Morkaranja Dist- Nandurbar | B.A.M.A. (Both Degree Win Gold Medal) | Set/NET Pripration | 7507279691/Gavitsafira65@gmail.com |
Sr. No. | Name | Designation | Mobile No | |
1 | Dr. S.A.PATIL | Head of Department | Sunilapatil3373@gmail.com | 9421616825 |
Navoday Shaikshanik Sanstha Dhule’s
Near Surat Nagpur Highway, Dahivel,Tal-Sakri, Dhule, Maharashtra – 424304
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