



Navoday Shaikshanik Sanstha Dhule’s

Uttamrao Patil Arts and Science College

Near Surat Nagpur Highway, Dahivel,Tal-Sakri, Dhule, Maharashtra – 424304

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Navoday Shaikshanik Sanstha Dhule’s

Uttamrao Patil Arts and Science College

Near Surat Nagpur Highway, Dahivel,Tal-Sakri, Dhule, Maharashtra – 424304

NAAC Accredited “B” Grade (Cycle I)
Affiliated with KBCNM University, Jalgaon


Admission Procedure

Admission Procedure

  • Application for admission should be submitted in prescribed form. The applicant should fill in the form carefully.
  • Incomplete or Incorrect form will not be accepted.
  • For admission of F.Y classes eligibility form, original marksheet and its true copy are necessary. Admission will not be confirmed unless eligibility obtained from the KBC N.M.University.
  • The student of S.Y. & T.Y classes should attach to the admission form the attested copy of marksheet of the previous Examination.
  • Student from other colleges within the juridiction of KBC N.M.University,Must produce T.C. at the time of admission in this college. such student will have to obtain written permission from university for the change of the college
  • Normally no change is allowed in the subject once offered by a student. However any change in the subject can be allowed by the authorities only on payment on fees of Rs.25/- the last date for allowed the change in subject/ faculty will be notified separately on the notice board.


Admission Guidelines

  • Parents/students are requested to go through the Prospectus and the Guidelines and Admission Notices put up on the College Notice Board, before seeking admission in the College.
  • Admission is as per merit and other norms as laid down by the University, the Government or the Management, from time to time.
  • The Principal reserves the right to amend/ modify the guidelines regarding admission, as and when such amendments/modifications are received from the Government/University or the Management, as the case may be.
  • They will be notified accordingly on the College Notice Board at the time of admission.
  • He also reserves the right to refuse admission in case such an admission, in his opinion, is likely to adversely affect the overall discipline in the college.
  • Students are advised to write their phone numbers in the admission form.